APA Group on economic mission in Düsseldorf

An economic mission organized by the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice in cooperation with NRW.Global Business and the TIGGES law firm took place on September 9-10, 2024. The mission was aimed at strengthening cooperation between Polish and German companies in the...
Nederlandse versie: APA Benelux sluit zich aan bij Brainport Industries Campus

APA Benelux, de snelgroeiende dochteronderneming van APA Group, een Pools industrieel technologiebedrijf, kondigt aan dat het is toegetreden tot Brainport Industries Campus, een gemeenschap van hightechbedrijven. APA Benelux bevindt zich tussen wereldmerken als ASML, Met...
English version: APA Benelux joins Brainport Industries Campus

APA Benelux, the rapidly growing subsidiary of APA Group, a Polish industrial technology company, announces that it has joined Brainport Industries Campus, a community of high-tech companies. APA Benelux is among global brands such as ASML, Meta, Siemens, Sodexo and Yask...
Artur Pollak awarded "Personality of the Year 2022" title

On September 3, during the "Silesian Brand" (Marka Śląskie) gala, Artur Pollak, the President of the Management Board of APA Group, received a special award in the Personality of the Year 2022 category. The event was organized by the Regional Chamber of Industry and Comm...
APA Group now with official Google Cloud Partner status

Google Cloud Partner status is awarded only to companies that can verify their compliance with a number of stringent Google requirements. Clients are provided with a number of benefits and a guarantee of the highest quality when implementing projects based on comprehensi...
Inauguration of the Center of Industry 4.0 of the Silesian University of Technology

Today our representatives took part in an inauguration the activity of the Industry 4.0 Center of the Silesian University of Technology. One of its key points was the signing of a letter of intent, on the basis of which the APA Group has become the official partner of th...
Official establishment of cooperation with the University of Economics in Krakow

Today we have taken another step to bring science and business closer together. CEO of APA, Artur Pollak, signed an agreement on cooperation between APA Group and the University of Economics in Krakow, represented by Assoc. Prof. Piotr Buła, dr habil. dr h.c., prof. UEK ...
Smart booking - modern technologies in the service of efficient work organization

Anna Dębowska, programmer and systems analyst from APA Group, tells about what the Room Reservation System (SRS) is and how it can help in the efficient organization of our company's work.
Stop the war

The community of the APA Group is staunchly opposed to the aggression of the Russian military in Ukraine.
APA Group has completed the prestigious SAQ 5.0 certification

APA Group has completed SAQ 5.0 certification with above-average results. SAQ 5.0 is used to evaluate a supplier and is used to ensure an appropriate level of quality, safety and compliance by organizations in the industrial sector.
APA Group on economic mission in Düsseldorf

An economic mission organized by the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice in cooperation with NRW.Global Business and the TIGGES law firm took place on September 9-10, 2024. The mission was aimed at strengthening cooperation between Polish and German companies in the...
Nederlandse versie: APA Benelux sluit zich aan bij Brainport Industries Campus

APA Benelux, de snelgroeiende dochteronderneming van APA Group, een Pools industrieel technologiebedrijf, kondigt aan dat het is toegetreden tot Brainport Industries Campus, een gemeenschap van hightechbedrijven. APA Benelux bevindt zich tussen wereldmerken als ASML, Met...
English version: APA Benelux joins Brainport Industries Campus

APA Benelux, the rapidly growing subsidiary of APA Group, a Polish industrial technology company, announces that it has joined Brainport Industries Campus, a community of high-tech companies. APA Benelux is among global brands such as ASML, Meta, Siemens, Sodexo and Yask...
Artur Pollak awarded "Personality of the Year 2022" title

On September 3, during the "Silesian Brand" (Marka Śląskie) gala, Artur Pollak, the President of the Management Board of APA Group, received a special award in the Personality of the Year 2022 category. The event was organized by the Regional Chamber of Industry and Comm...
APA Group now with official Google Cloud Partner status

Google Cloud Partner status is awarded only to companies that can verify their compliance with a number of stringent Google requirements. Clients are provided with a number of benefits and a guarantee of the highest quality when implementing projects based on comprehensi...
Inauguration of the Center of Industry 4.0 of the Silesian University of Technology

Today our representatives took part in an inauguration the activity of the Industry 4.0 Center of the Silesian University of Technology. One of its key points was the signing of a letter of intent, on the basis of which the APA Group has become the official partner of th...
Official establishment of cooperation with the University of Economics in Krakow

Today we have taken another step to bring science and business closer together. CEO of APA, Artur Pollak, signed an agreement on cooperation between APA Group and the University of Economics in Krakow, represented by Assoc. Prof. Piotr Buła, dr habil. dr h.c., prof. UEK ...
Smart booking - modern technologies in the service of efficient work organization

Anna Dębowska, programmer and systems analyst from APA Group, tells about what the Room Reservation System (SRS) is and how it can help in the efficient organization of our company's work.
Stop the war

The community of the APA Group is staunchly opposed to the aggression of the Russian military in Ukraine.
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